Monthly Archives: April 2013
I was pressed recently to give as succinct an explanation as I could of the accommodationist view of Scripture and whether I thought certain passages had been written as literally true or not. Our discussion centered around the opening chapters of Genesis and some passages in Joshua. The conversation came to a head when my friend quoted the account of Joshua’s long day in chapter 10 of that book:
“So the sun stood still, And the moon stopped, Till the people had revenge Upon their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven,… Continue reading
The Scriptures do not teach Young Earth Creationism. They don’t teach Old Earth Creationism either.
Taken literally they simply express themselves in the cosmology of the time they were written. Try reading these verses with ancient eyes as the original audience would have read them…
Does this mean Scripture taught error? No. Why not?
Cosmological models, like all scientific truths, are not absolute truths. Science is made up of tentative truths which can be corrected as more is learned. What makes a scientific model “true” or “not true” depends on whether it is predictively useful.
At the time Moses wrote Genesis the ancient Hebrew… Continue reading